20 October 2007

19 October 2007

TV Presenter

You will have worked out that I like this man. One day, I hope to see him in my lounge - if you get my drift.

Dermot Murnaghan, eat your heart out, Jeremy is a natural tv presenter

15 October 2007

Fear of Public Speaking

Jeremy Jacobs, the presenter and speaker, gave a really good talk about the fear of public speaking this evening.

14 October 2007

Toastmasters International

Going along to listen to Jeremy Jacobs speak at London Corinthians tomorrow night. He's got a great voice and is an experienced presenter.

11 October 2007

Marianne - Emblem of France

It's all here at Wikipedia.

Hollies - Long Cool Woman 1972

My owner is so cool!

The Hollies sung about her in 1972 - Long Cool Woman